Home of The Fuse

Here are a some files I've collected and which I think are well worth checking out for yourself. FortuneCity has a limit of 1Mb per file, so don't expect to find anything large here. I also prefer to go for function rather than beauty.
For those who requested a sorting program for Oscar's YourSerials.dat, here it is. This program has been tested with all 10.x versions of Oscar. I don't know if it will work with version 11 until that gets released. If required, I'll write a new version of the sorter then. If you don't know about Oscar check it out by following the link further down this page.
sortoscar.exe 14Kb
Here's the source code if you're interested. With a bit of luck we might eventually see this function built into Oscar itself.
sortoscar_source.zip 5Kb
This utility should be loaded whenever you go on line. It'll get rid of all those pop-ups, such as the one you got when you arrived here. I've tried a few of this kind of program and this is the only one I've seen which does the job properly.
killad.zip 31Kb
Ever find yourself having to repeatedly close a bunch of windows, such as when you go off line for instance? Here's a handy little program to simplify the task. It's what I use myself when I log off. It closes all the applications I have running when I'm on line with just one double-click.
closeapp.zip 6Kb
Do you use Wingate? Ever wanted to recover some file(s) from it's cache? Have a look at UnCache.
uncache.zip 24Kb
Need to convert something to HTML? This loads as a printer driver, so it should work with just about anything.
htmldrv.exe 92Kb
This one is a printer driver which generates Adobe PDF files. Nowhere near as good as using Acrobat of course but very handy for simpler tasks.
pdfwritr.zip 236Kb
Ever wished you could change a help file? Perhaps even to remove the restrictions in some E-books. This program will decompile a help file and even tell you which compiler to use to recompile it. (Help compilers can be downloaded from microsoft.com)
helpdc21.zip 217Kb
It seems there's a never ending stream of people asking where to get Oscar. This site won't allow me to store files over 1Mb, so I can't carry it here, but this link will take you to a site which not only carries the latest version but also all previous versions. This just might be handy if you have older programs.

And let's not forget the Phrozen Crew's own site.

If you're looking for something in particular but can't locate it with "conventional" search engines why not try AstaLaVista? You can use it from here.

My URL: http://start.at/Fuse

I got it for free at http://come.to

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